
Our Commitment to Zimbabwe and Nigeria

We are committed to serving Zimbabwe with Assets Based Community Development (ABCD) programs in two major ways;

A. Craft by Jáde scouts for kids in underserved communities and offer them free tennis coaching to unleash the hidden potential in each of them. Our goal is to expose these children (and their families) to the opportunities available in the game of tennis. Exceptionally talented kids will be signed up for tournaments with the goal of playing tennis in college.

B. Secondly, Our production team will move to Zimbabwe through your support, this will enable us to provide Zimbabwean tailors a livable wage through their sewing skills. Our goal is to stimulate the economy without being dependent on failed/corrupt government infrastructures.

We are committed to serving Nigeria with Assets Based Community Development (ABCD) programs in the following ways;

A. We curate individualized ABCD programs to end the trends of generational poverty for families in Nigeria. Our holistic approach is based on the philosophy that every human-being has a God-given ability to thrive and would thrive if provided the opportunity to excel. 

B. Craft by Jáde works with these families to discover, polish and use their potentials. Our team in collaboration with local nonprofit, business consultants, psychologists and community leaders use the Recruit, Vet, and Invest (RVI) process to serve the families within an allotted period of time (6 months - 5 years), then they are released to live a full unhindered life.

 How We Pursue Our Commitment 

We pursue our mission in Zimbabwe and Nigeria with the sale of Afrocentric apparel and through generous donations from people like you.

Revenue from Apparel: We take out the cost of production of our apparel, any general and administrative costs, and use the rest in serving our beneficiaries in Zimbabwe and Nigeria.

Donations: 100% of the donations we receive go towards funding our programs in Zimbabwe and Nigeria.

Get Involved

  • Shop an item from the list of products we have listed on our website today
  • Consider making a one-time gift donation to us
  • Consider committing to donating on a monthly basis
  • Share our cause and products among your network of friends/family